Roots + Ruminants
Welcome to Roots + Ruminants, your podcast for creative and innovative use of farm pasture and rangeland. We're going back to the basics of raising and grazing livestock to growing your own forage. Join us as our hosts Jared Knock and Justin Fruechte visit with special guests to explore practical land use.
Roots + Ruminants
Fun Facts about Millet (and lots of other forage crops)
Season 4
Episode 13
Luke Hiebert is from the same area as our host, Jared. Jared, Justin and Luke spend this episode chatting about the spring they've had so far (spoiler: it's thrown them some curveballs) and problem solving for real-life scenarios Luke's experiencing on his farm. Plus, there's a graze it, harvest it, rent it out scenario with conflicting answers. Just three real farmers talking about real farm things. You won't want to miss it!